
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Reading and other strange occurrences

So I read several of Lovecraft's stories today. I enjoyed them. I don't know why I never read them before now. They were pretty creative, even if written a bit oddly with tons of adjectives. They might have been a little frightening if I didn't have real troubles.

Good thing those creatures in the stories aren't real. Then again, the shadow people are real. I think. I'm not sure anymore. I don't remember moving things around, but if I'm hallucinating... I mean, maybe I have multiple personality disorder or something.

Moving shadows just CAN'T be real, can they!?

WHAT DO THEY WANT!?!? Why LOVECRAFT!? I don't understand what they want from me. I'm getting fed up.

Anyway, this afternoon I was taking a break from reading and as I flipped channels, I came across one that was just a bunch of static. The thing is, just before going to the next channel, I could have sworn I heard voices. It was pretty weird, but the station probably had a bad signal or something. I don't know. For some reason that stood out to me. Probably nothing.

Whatever show that was seemed weird, though. For a second, I thought I saw a puppet with an eyepatch, and a voice said, "...INSIDE!" Must be some weird children's show.

Oh, and Shadow People, if you're reading this, can you please tell me if you're the ones who posted THEY ARE COMING? And if you are, can you explain what that's referring to?

I'm probably being stupid.

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