
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace

                And so it begins.

   >Deep Breath<


                So, the title crawl:

   War! Oh, sorry. Wrong one.

                Okay, okay. I’ll stop procrastinating, but can you really blame me? You can? Well, I don’t care what you think.

                According to the title crawl, there is trouble in the Republic on account of taxation of trade routes. People apparently hate it. So, the Trade Federation acts calmly and rationally about it and—blockades the planet of Naboo with deadly battleships!?


                Well, the Federation IS run by aliens; I’m sure the humans will act much more reasonably.

                So a couple of Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Why-Am-I-Not-Drinking Jinn, are sent to resolve the issue. Because these wise and battle-ready warrior-monks are who I would first think to send out to end a taxation dispute. Don’t the Jedi have more important things to do?

                Confused Matthew brought up a good point: if the Trade Federation and Naboo are part of the Republic, the Republic is sending representatives of the Republic to negotiate with the Republic about their blockading of the Republic. Wha--???

                Anyway, the film gets off to a fittingly boring start as we see a small ship slowly approach a space station or something. How’s that for alliteration? The two Jedi are brought to a room to wait for a meeting with Newt Gingrich or whatever the guy’s name is.
                Obi-Wan: “I have a bad feeling about this.”
                Qui-Gon: “I don’t sense anything.”
                Nice foreshadowing there. (Hint: It means Jinn’s a terrible Jedi.)

                Then the C-3PO robot that took them there tells the Asian stereotypes that it (she?) thinks they are Jedi, apparently because they’re wearing robes. Even though literally everyone in the Star Wars universe wears robes.

                Nute contacts Darth Sidious, a mysterious shadowy figure with a hooded robe and it will soon be blatantly obvious who he really is. But it will take the Jedi about 15 years to discover. I think the Jedi aren’t as great as they are made out to be.

                Darth Sidious tells the green guys to put troops on the planet. “Is that legal?” “I will make it legal.” Thanks for giving away that you’re in the government!

                Darth Sidious also tells them to kill the Jedi. So, what do they do? They alert them by blowing up the ship they came in on, the noise compelling them to jump to their feet. Then they pump in a very visible gas and the Jedi hold their breath. But they don’t have to hold it long, for Nute says, “They should be dead by now. Destroy what’s left of them.”

                Battle droids are going to shoot their dead bodies. To destroy them. Even though you think they’re already dead. Okay.

                Like I said, fortunately for the Jedi, they don’t have to hold their breath long, since Nute apparently waited all of twenty seconds before opening the door. The battle droids are useless since the Jedi are able to “cut through them like butter.” Screw you George. How about an actual threat. No? Then what’s the point of watching these? Oh, right. To ridicule them.

                Wait a second. I’m only 6 minutes in!? This is going to be a long review…

                And another thing, if the Trade Federation really doesn’t want trouble and wants to make sure they are following Republic laws, then WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO KILL THE JEDI WHO WERE SENT AS AMBASSADORS AND INVADING NABOO WITH A MASSIVE ARMY!? That will bring them plenty of trouble! Think, George, think!!

                The Jedi use Force speed to escape Destroyers. This power is never seen, mentioned, or used again. Convenient!

                When Master Alcoholic starts using his lightsaber to cut through a door, the green Asian stereotypes whose mouth movements don’t match what they’re saying (ugh) freak out because that shouldn’t be happening. Then they close another door to put a second layer to hold them. Jinn keeps coming through. One of them says, “That’s impossible!” Melting metal with the hot laser swords? Impossible! Doing more of the same? Even more impossible!!!

                This is still the opening sequence of the film. I’m going to start summarizing for a little while. More than I already have been, anyway.

                Obi-Wan makes a joke so stupid it’s not worth repeating as Jinn suggests they split up on different ships and ride them down to the planet to warn the Naboo. Because arriving WITH the army will certainly give you time to warn them ABOUT it.

                Then Queen Amidala communicates with the Federation and says they’ve gone too far. The green guys say they would never do anything without the approval of the Senate. The Senate approved of the Federation blockading one of their own planets? They approved of the Federation having their own army!?

                Hold on. Wot? Wot did you say? A Queen in the Republic? How does that make…

                Meanwhile, the Federation disrupts communication and the holograms go out. A man with a beard says, “This can mean only one thing—invasion.” Maybe you just need a repairman? Or were you already expecting an invasion?

                Anyway, the head of security or whatever says that if they invaded, the Senate would revoke their trade franchise. Why have they been allowed to go THIS far?

                The droid ships go down and the droids start preparing themselves for war. I have a question: Why is none of this seemingly advanced technology, especially the machines being used in such important wars, evident in the original trilogy? It’s like it never actually existed…

                So Jinn is running on the ground now and literally runs into…Jar Jar Binks…

                Jinn calls Jar Jar brainless, whereupon he insists he can speak and Jinn says, “The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.” Qui-Gon Jinn is awesome! Or not.

                Obi-Wan catches up to them and the stupid-looking mass of CGI tells them of a secret underwater city where his people live where they might be able to get help. The Jedi put on breathing things over their mouths and follow Jar Jar down to the not-so-secret-or-deep city. It’s brightly lit and clearly isn’t very deep down, as their swim lasted only a moment. Why’d they need the breathing masks again?

                They reach the city and simply walk through the force field. How’s it keeping the water out? Small pressure from human-size beings can go through but all the pressure from water doesn’t get through?

                Jinn tries to get the Gungan leader to help them by saying what affects one society will affect the other because the Naboo and Gungans are somehow connected. How can one have an effect on the other when the Naboo apparently don’t know about the Gungans, the Gungans hate the Naboo, and have “secret” underwater cities?

                The leader gives them transport and tells them the fastest way to the Naboo is through the planet core. This means that the Federation landed their troops on the other side of the planet from their target.


Also, how do these Gungans, who keep to themselves, know Basic?

So there’s a long and unnecessary chase through the water and Jinn nearly breaks the ship and gets them killed. When they finally go through the center of the planet and reach their destination, the army is already there and has captured the Queen. How can an army going by land over half the planet be faster than the Jedi who took a shortcut through the core? Think, George, think!

So it turns out that the plan of the Trade Federation is to invade, then get the Queen to sign a treaty which will legitimize the occupation. They expect the Senate to ratify this. Why on earth would the Senate ratify a treaty clearly signed under duress after blatantly illegal actions have already been taken? The fall of the Republic is the Republic’s fault! They’re all incompetent!

So the green guys send the Queen to "Camp 4." The Jedi intercept the Queen and her advisors (why send her away if they want the treaty signed?) and easily dispatch the droids escorting them. Why is the Federation using useless machines for their invasion? The only reason they were able to take over the city is because the Naboo don’t appear to have any kind of defense.

The Queen at first refuses to go, and wants to stay with her people. At one point in the conversation the Queen inexplicably looks at one of her handmaidens as if for guidance. Don’t make the twist too obvious, guys. Also, even Jinn points out the illogical actions of the Trade Federation.

When they reach the hangar bay, they are stopped by a droid who asks where they are going. When Jinn for some reason answers truthfully, the droid quips, “Coruscant? That does not compute. Oh, wait. You’re under arrest!” A battle droid making a snarky comment? What the… I thought Star Wars was supposed to be like some great mythical story. Humans I can understand using sarcasm, like Leia in the original. But droids?

They fight off the droids and get onto a ship. The blockade starts firing on them and somehow hits the shield generator. What idiot put the shield generator outside the shield? Who designed this, Qui-Gon Jinn?

                They send up the repair droids, which happen to include R2-D2. While all his companions are fired upon and destroyed, R2 doesn’t appear the least bit scared and manages to fix the problem. But after they get through the blockade they’re still damaged enough that they need to do repairs on the nearby planet of Tatooine. Jinn says the Republic doesn’t have control there, as the Hutts do. The security guy responds, “The Hutts are gangstas!”

                In the meantime the green guys are complaining to Darth Sidious, who is obviously the same person as Palpatine, that the ship is now out of range. Palpa—Sidious replies, “Not for a Sith.” Then Darth Maul steps forward. He doesn’t really do anything until the end, and even then it doesn’t affect the plot much. Nice writing there, George.

                After they hang up the phone, the green guy says to the green guy that they should not have made this bargain because there are now two Sith or something. So dealing with 1 Sith Lord is okay, but not with 2?

                For some reason R2 (a repair droid, mind you) is brought up for the Queen to congratulate it. Then the decoy tells the real queen Padmé (oops, spoilers…) to wash off the droid. Why do I get the feeling the decoy doesn’t like Padmé very much? No wonder in Episode II Padmé—but I’m getting ahead of myself.

                Qui-Gon tells Obi-Wan not to let those on the ship send any transmissions, as they could be picked up and reveal their location.

                So Jinn and Padmé go into town, for some reason bringing R2-D2 and Jar Jar along when they accomplish nothing during the Tatooine scenes. As they walk through the town a very C-3PO-like droid is walking around in the background.

                They decide on one of the smaller dealers and find a blue winged elephant who has the part they need. While Jinn talks with Watto, Jar Jar acts stupid in the background at the same time that Watto’s little slave boy asks the Queen—oops, I mean Padmé—if she’s an angel. They live on the moons of some planet. She responds appropriately: “You’re a funny little boy.”

                But if they live on a planet’s moons…angels are an alien species in Star Wars? What.

                Jinn has trouble with the dealer, as he won’t accept credits, since Tatooine is outside the Republic. As an aside, maybe Naboo is also not part of the Republic? Then the Trade Federation and blockade thing might make a little more sense. Anyway, he tries the Jedi mind trick, but it doesn’t work on Watto. Jinn, how’d you ever become a Jedi Master?

                They leave and Jinn tells Obi-Wan that they don’t have what Watto’s asking for. Instead of finding another dealer or something, they decide to go to the home of the annoying little kid, Anakin. There, he reveals that he has built C-3PO to help his mom. Why build a droid that’s already mass produced? Why not steal the ship part for the protagonists if he can get this droid and the parts for a podracer without Watto knowing? How will a protocol droid help with his mom’s slave work? Think, George, think!

                Those on the ship receive a message that says for the Queen to contact them. Of course, It’s a trap! So they don’t.

                Somehow the Sith have learned where they are, even though they didn’t send a transmission through which their location could be traced. Earlier Sidious said that the ship wasn’t too far for a Sith to trace. So what was the point of the attempted trap again?

                Jinn and his companions are eating a meal with Anakin and his mother where it is revealed that slaves have a device in them that will explode if they escape. Now that that piece of info has been established, it will never come into play. Have you ever even written a screenplay before this, George? Anakin says that he wants to free all the slaves on Tatooine someday. This is important later, as it reflects poorly on the Jedi.

                Anakin races with pod people and somehow has built a podracer without Watto’s knowledge and they realize they can use it to get the part, pretending that the racer belongs to Jinn. Padmé doesn’t like this and says the Queen would not approve of trusting their fate to a boy. Jinn says that the Queen doesn’t need to know. She says, “I don’t approve.” Stop making it obvious!

                Watto agrees to front the cash for the betting and gets to keep all of it minus the cost of the parts Jinn needs.

                Jinn talks to Anakin’s mother about how the Force is strong with him. And then—she reveals Anakin was conceived without a father. Really, George? *Sigh*

                Anakin and Dumb Dumb work on the podracer and Dumb Dumb manages to shock his tongue so it goes numb, so he has trouble speaking. I wish his whole mouth went numb for the rest of this movie and the next one. No; his whole body. Permanently.

                They get the racer working and are ready for the race. Jinn tests Anakin’s blood and sees that his midichlorian count is over 9000!!!!!! So the Jedi want to take him.

                The next day Jinn now wants Anakin as part of the deal and Watto eventually agrees. For some reason the droids are there. As if they need to be present for the race.

                So the race is about to start. Ridiculous, cartoony aliens are everywhere. Jabba the Hutt makes an appearance for no reason. There is a fart joke for no reason. Sebulba sabotages Anakin’s vehicle, like in all clichéd racing movies.  Jinn and Padmé and Dumb Dumb and Captain Hook’s First Mate get into a thing that rises. When Jinn says something about the Queen, Padmé says, “You assume too much.” What did I tell you, George!?

                The racers start their engines. Hey, is that Willow in the audience next to Watto?

                Why does Anakin’s helmet look like the pilot helmets worn by the X-Wing fighters in Episode IV? That is a really pointless call-back (call-forward?). Anyway, the race looks like a videogame; in fact it looks just like the podracing videogame that was made for the N64! It even has the same camera angles! And we have to watch it for 10 whole minutes of the run time.  


                At one point in the race, a pit droid is sucked into a motor but comes out the other side completely intact!?!? Also, Anakin’s pod starts coming apart but he doesn’t seem at all bothered by this and fixes it. Yawn. He wins the race.

                After the race, Anakin’s mother tells him that he has brought hope to those who have none. Huh? What’s she talking about? Anakin has nothing to do with the rest of the movie.

                So they take Anakin and leave his mother behind. As they are about to board the ship, Darth Maul attacks, but they easily get away. Again, George, why can’t there be a credible threat?

 They take Anakin to Coruscant. On the way, Padmé talks to Anakin and he gives her a gift and she says that they’ll be separated but “my caring for you will remain.” Ani says he cares about her, too. This scene is somehow all that is needed for them to fall in love instantly when they meet again after 10 years. Totally believable.

                On Coruscant they meet with Chancellor Valorum and Palpatine, the Senator from...Naboo. So it IS part of the Republic? Then everything goes back to not making any sense. Also, Jar Jar calls Amidala “bery hot.” *Shudder*

                Amidala and Palpatine have a boring conversation. For some reason, there are nude statues in the background.

                Jinn tells the Jedi Council of Darth Maul and Anakin. They say the Sith have been extinct for a millennium. They tell him to bring Anakin before them. Anakin visits Padmé but she’s “not there” since she’s currently playing the role of the Queen. Another nude statue in the background.

                Then we see the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom, where the Senate meets (and has yet more nude statues outside it).

                Palpatine suggests to Amidala that since the Chancellor doesn’t seem willing to help (I guess Jedi don’t give credible testimony? Then again, Obi-Wan lies his face off to Luke…), she should propose a vote of no confidence. Also, the Trade Federation has a floating circle in the Senate, like the representatives of various planets do.

                We also find out that Padmé is…an ELECTED QUEEN!?!?  And…E.T.’s race is part of the Republic!?!?!? O_O

                All the races agree to vote for a new Chancellor, even though just moments ago some supported the Trade Federation’s idea of sending a group to verify what Animalia said, and which Valorum was going to go along with.

                Obi-Wan and Jinn wait for Anakin or something, and Obi-Wan says Jinn’s not on the Council because he doesn’t follow the code. Good call on their part.

The Jedi test Anakin, and he is strong in the Force.

Palpatine ends up replacing Valorum. Amidala decides to go back to Naboo. To take care of the problem herself? Even though her people have no army?

The Council says Anakin is strong in the Force,  but he is too old… He’s like 9! How’s he too old!? Also, there is another Yoda-like creature in the background of the Council scenes. Apparently she’s named Yaddle. Anyway, Yoda says, “clouded this boy’s future is.” Qui-Gon wants to dump Obi-Wan and take Anakin as apprentice. But they refuse. They want to find out who the attacker was.(Psssst! He’s not important!)

Obi-Wan agrees with the Council that Anakin is dangerous. Qui-Gon is the only one who can’t feel the trouble he’ll bring. He’s clearly a bad Jedi Master. Jinn explains to Ani that midichlorians live in cells and tell people of the Force and allow them to communicate with it or some nonsense. Why do I get the feeling that George doesn’t understand the idea of the Force as a spiritual thing, even though he supposedly invented it?

The pilot shows Ani how the controls of the ship work. Given what this is setting up, Anakin must have a photographic memory or something.

The blockade is mysteriously gone and there is one “droid control ship.” That is a stupid set-up. What if someone destroys it?...

Qui-Gon tells Obi-Wan that they can’t use their power to help the Naboo. Why not?

Something that has bothered me through the whole film is all the ridiculous hairstyles. I mean, what? Oh, sorry. It’s just that this movie is so boring!!!

Jar Jar reports that his city is deserted, but they meet in a special place at times of war or something. They find them and…SURPRISE!!! It turns out Padmé is really Queen Animalia! I, for one, did not see that coming.

The Gungans agree to help the Naboo and they wait for the troops of useless droids. They put up a similar shield to the one outside their city. The droids fire on it, but the blasts don’t go through. But soon after, the droids just walk through!? Then what’s the bloody point of having the shield!!? You can’t shoot through either side (or surely the Gungans would have attacked before the droids got through) yet your enemy can just waltz right up to you! Think, George, think!

The others are in the city. They easily (of course) take out the droids and Jinn tells Ani to find cover and stay there. He hides in one of the ships. (Why’d they bring him to the battle? Jinn!) All the other ships fly out, and—

Stop using the Wilhelm scream! It’s painfully obvious now every time it’s used!!

R2-D2 is sucked up into the ship Ani’s in. Why are there so many ships that use R2 and R4 units in combat, when as we saw earlier, that’s clearly not R2-D2’s intended purpose?

For some reason Jar Jar has authority over some of the troops now. When the droids are first activated, seeing all of them there would be impressive if we didn’t already know how useless they are. Also, there is much slapstick, dispelling any remaining tension. On top of all this, no one in this battle dies, making these scenes pointless.

The Jedi and the Naboo open a door and Darth Maul is standing on the other side. Instead of shooting him or capturing him, the Jedi tell the Naboo to leave him to them. The Naboo go another way, where there are more droids. Anakin starts pushing random buttons (I guess the scene where he learned starship controls was pointless after all) and the ship shoots the droids and the automatic pilot takes the ship into space. The helmet happens to be little Ani’s size.

The Jedi and Maul continue dancing, I mean fighting, into the city’s power generator.

The pilots are unable to get through the droid control ship’s defenses. But then the ship Ani’s in somehow can?

“This is tense!” Thank you for that, Ani.

“I’ll try spinning. That’s a good trick!” *Facepalm* Shut up!

The Queen and her entourage get to a window on a higher level via “ascension guns.” They hold on tight as the ropes pull them up. For some reason this seems ridiculous, I guess because of the name.

In the power generator, they get to a corridor where every few feet red force fields turn on and off at random intervals, cutting the Jedi and their enemy off from each other. What is the point of these red blinking things? And why doesn’t Obi-Wan use Force speed to get over and help his Master?

In the Gungan battle, the shield goes down and they all freak out, even though it was useless in the first place. Then, when Jar Jar’s clumsiness causes blue energy balls to fall to the ground, rolling around and destroying the droids, there are cartoon sound effects. Goodbye any pretension of seriousness!!!

Is it just me or is the CGI getting worse as the movie comes to a close?

Somehow Ani gets into the control ship. The Naboo are surrounded by droids. Jinn is stabbed by Maul.

The battle droids take the Gungans as prisoners, even though they were ordered to kill them. The Queen and everybody with her are taken to the throne room where the Viceroy of the Trade Federation is.  There are guns in the throne armrest and they use them to gain the upper hand.

Anakin manages to blow up the control ship and escapes. “Now this is podracing!” No it isn’t! Also, why does Anakin get the credit when the autopilot and R2 did most of the work?

The droids on the ground fall apart even though they simply lost power. Obi-Wan kills Darth Maul and he falls down a shaft.  Obi-Wan promises a dying Jinn that he will train Anakin.

When the green guys are arrested they never spill the beans on Sidious for some reason.

Yoda begrudgingly allows Obi-Wan to train Anakin. They burn Qui-Gon Jinn’s body. Yoda and Mace discuss the fact that there are always two Sith. One is still out there…

Then there’s a stupid celebration scene in which the Naboo and Gungans raise up a glowing orb together. For some reason there is Not-Yoda standing next to Yoda.

And in the credits: Jabba the Hutt….as Himself. *Sigh*

Finally! This stupid movie is over with!!!


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