I hereby start my long review saga. It will cover all six
Star Wars
films. Why include the original trilogy? Because, for one thing, no
movie is perfect, and also for completion’s sake. And to complain just like
everyone else about the CGI additions.
I will also afterward present my theory to tie all the movies together
cohesively (this being, after all Continuity Glue). The continuity theory will
make sense of the nonsense, resolve plot holes, and explain the unexplained
bits. For example, George Lucas has been overtaken by one of the slug-like
body-hijacking aliens from Robert A. Heinlein’s masterpiece: The Puppet Masters
. This is so that the prequels would suck, the originals
would suck, the Smurfs movie would suck, all in an effort to bring down human
Oops! Spoilers…
So, I
will go over the originals as well, because elements in those will be important
in the theory. And because they also suck now, with Space Slug’s meddling. Or, if you’re like Harlan Ellison, they
apparently sucked from the beginning. Well, sorry, Mr. Ellison. We can’t all be
as good a writer as Jerry B. Jenkins.
Now, I have seen Confused Matthew's and RLM's reviews of the prequels (Content Warning), so some
of the same points may be touched on, but this is different. Because it’s text,
not video, and I’m doing the originals as well. Totally different.
there will be supplementary posts exploring a few other aspects of the films.
Well, I
guess that’s it. Onward to the reviews!!!
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